Petition to save Pedals the Bipedal Bear (Hunter/trapper victim)

October 14, 2015

Please Sign to Tell NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife to make the right decision for Pedals the bi-pedal bear:

Animatronic bear suit in Sweden for a TVC

February 21, 2010
Animatronic Bear Suit

Burt the Performing Bear took one of their photo-realistic black bear costumes to Stockholm Sweden this winter to film an advert for the new eco-friendly SUV from Mitsubishi. Matt puppeteered his “Burtram suit” in the studio shoot for a wonderful host and production house there. The ad is running on Swedish television and the company website for the entire country features our bear suit (see photo above).

Bear Suit Bear Costume Bear Puppet Animatronic Bear

February 10, 2008

Polar Bear Suit

Photo-realistic Animal Doubles for Hire for Film, Television and Live Events by

Why spend tens of thousands in Hollywood when you can hire a Northern California SPFX animal character resource for a fraction of the price?

In the past 2 years we’ve added an animatronic grizzly bear, a photo-realistic polar bear and a panda bear to the ranks of our animal impersonators. Our new bruins have worked all over the world and can be seen in feature films, television and in print.

Also, for all your mascot needs across the USA, check out The Mascot Organization ……….Thanks!!

Hello world!

February 10, 2008

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